

Clean Green Laundry is a Micro Enterprise business created by Sandra and Ross Gilmour, in 2013 for their daughter Prue. Prue has Special Needs and was born with an undiagnosed condition and requires assistance in her daily duties.
Sandra and Ross, chose the Laundry Business for Prue,  as they knew it was something Prue was capable of and enjoyed doing. In particular helping her Nana with the washing and ironing.

Now Prue, along with the help of her “Crew”, is involved in every stage of the Laundry process, from sorting the laundry, to washing it, to hanging it on the line and delivering it.

The Business is Operated from the garage at her home along with a premises in Darfield. We started off targeting local businesses and sports clubs such as Rugby teams and Agricultural businesses, along with local Cafe’s.



The name ‘Clean Green Laundry’ was evolved as we promote and use Eco products in our Laundry.